Organization of the Mayor’s Office
The Mayor’s Office is responsible for development planning and coordination and supports the President of the Council and the Mayor in the exercise of all of his functions. The office is responsible for managing political, administrative, and technical issues in the municipality. The following people work in the mayor’s office:
- The Mayor and his Secretary
- The Office Director and his secretary
- Advisors and their Attachés
- Chargés de missions
- Divisional Attachés
- Consultants
- Protocol Attachés
- Press Attachés
The Office Director
The Office Director assist the Mayor in excercising his functions and he coordinates activities in the mayor’s office.
The Legal and Administrative Adviser
Assists the Mayor on all legal and administrative matters.
The Planning and Housing Advisor
Assist the Mayor on issues related to urban planning, housing and sanitation.
Economic and Financial Adviser
Assist the Mayor on economic and financial issues and with the management of the Departmental and Municipal Council. He is Office’s representative at the Council.
Socio-cultural Advisor
Assist the Mayor on social and cultural issues.
The Chargés de missions and consultants assist the Mayor with specific tasks.
The Director of External Relations and Cooperation
The Director of External Relations and Cooperation is responsible for managing external partnerships with bilateral and multinational partners.
The Director of Communication and Sports
The Director of Communication and Sports is responsible for managing radio, television, and internet communication and sharing information on the Council. He is also responsible for managing municipal advertising, promoting cultural and sporting activities, and managing coverage of municipal events.
The Director of Municipal Protocol
is responsible for organizing official ceremonies and travel formalities.
The Director of Services
is responsible to monitoring staffing, equipement, and the provision of municipal services. He/she helps audit the Council and assist with the delivery of services.
The Director of Information Technology
is responsible for all IT related matters.